Category: Googled TodayPage 1 of 2
Because I’m about to use it in conversation. Quick, to the Googles! spoiler: it does.
And how accurate is the Deadwood depiction? Slightly.
Shakshuka, clearly. But add sausage to the tomato sauce, and top with goat cheese, not feta.
…using this recipe. But with half the sugar they specify, and nice thick sliced jalapeños. So lovely.
Like this. Every time from here on out. So good.
A mix between a beagle and a pug, apparently. Super cute. Wish I had a fenced yard.
I’m not planning anything. Not at all. But about 2 feet tall, for the record.
Birthday gift, anyone?
Settle an argument. Does the envelope icon mean ‘contact us’ (or ’email us’), or does it mean ‘subscribe to our newsletter?’ I was totally right.
Wikipedia: The basic unit of striated muscle tissue. A repeating pattern of muscle fiber, apparently. The basic unit that repeats. It shortens during muscle contraction.