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Debunked, apparently. Ran across a reference to the Losada Line in The Happiness Advantage today – the idea that for you (or your team) to flourish, you need roughly…
Oven roasted chicken thighs to the rescue. 425 for 20 minutes. Bam.
A male house finch. In flight, “the red rump is conspicuous.” Oh my.
30-35 min at 450.
Yes, but you’re spelling it wrong.
Not when it’s cold.
So the lifestyle challenge for the next 2 weeks is to drink half your body weight of water in ounces. Which for me is 3 refills (and a…
I want to try to give myself more credit as I do these kinds of things. I tend to focus solely on where I fail, or where I…
Tomorrow starts the Whole Life Challenge. I am ready. I can do this. Probably. I’m headed to Fit Lab up in Torrence for a Fu-Barbell seminar tomorrow. I…