One of my biggest challenges with the WLC last time was lunch.  There are some days where my schedule changes rapidly.  Emergencies happen.  Sometimes, I get squeezed for time, and lunch gets cut to whatever I can cram into my mouth in the least amount of time.

OMG, and Deli-licious is literally across the street from the office.  They know me by name.  I can call in a sammich order, go pick it up, and continue working while I snarf down an excellent sandwich.

I do love me a sammich.

Which will be a no-no on the WLC.  As will the office-supplied half and half for my coffee.  So the plan is thus:

  • Stock the office with cans of coconut milk, a can opener, and a tupperware bowl.
  • Stock the office every Monday with 3-4 frozen lunches and veggie snack packs.
  • Stock my room with fresh fruit and nuts or other viable snacks.

So… that gives me the creamer I like, emergency lunches on hand, and some snacks.  Sometimes, if I can delay my usual lunchtime by an hour or two, then I’ll have the time to sit down for a real meal.  Hence the need for some snacks.  And sometimes, salads don’t have enough protein, and you just need food again later in the afternoon.

Which reminds me that I forgot to buy a can opener when I was at the grocery store earlier today.  Crap.  Back on the to-do list it goes!